GNU Gas Natural
Civil work, engineering, and specialized construction work
GNU Natural Gas offers a complete array of engineering services that include technical and economical feasibility analysis, basic engineering conceptual design with details regarding the natural gas scope. Also preliminary, definitive, and executive design destined por the private sector, accompanied by budgetary services and specialized consulting provided by our teams of experts.
Our services
- Engineering, Supply, and Construction.
- Engineering, Supply, and Construction Management (Social Consensus).
- Engineering and supply
Our basic responsibilities are the following:
- Planification of the transport system (supply chain).
- Design of the transport system (Route, descriptive memory, Accident prevention Manual, Civil Protection Program, Operation and Maintenance Manual, Cathodic Protection, etc.).
- Technical validation of the project.
- Constant follow-up of the execution of previous projects.
- Interlocution and mediation with the corresponding entities.